Happy team building, free yourself !!!


The TOPSKY spring outreach activity ended successfully in a burst of laughter, but the waves of photos and videos sent out by the circle of friends made the activity unfinished. It is likely that for a long time to come, the tidbits and interesting facts of the outreach activities will become the main topics of discussion among colleagues, and the best way to relieve boredom.

Never let it go:

Never let it go

Corporate Culture Compose together:

Compose together

Corporate Culture in our hands:


Speaking of this expansion activity, it is really fun, laughter, and fully demonstrate the theme of team building activities, teamwork & pragmatic innovation.

Team work

The team building brings not only the familiarity in life, but more importantly, the tacit understanding of work that arises from it. This team building demonstrated the power of teamwork, enhanced the cohesion of the retiring team, and enhanced the feelings between members. The collective needs team building, team building unites and unites-TOPSKY.

TOPSKY -Beijing Team

Post time: Apr-25-2021